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Top 5 Tips for Training Successful Mold Remediation Technicians

Written by Andreas Böhm | Jun 24, 2024

Training mold remediation technicians can be challenging, but it’s key to ensuring quality work. I recently talked with Brian Lester, a mold remediation expert from Dot Cleaner, about what really works in training technicians. We covered everything from the importance of apprenticeships to the benefits of hands-on experience and certification. Here’s a breakdown of the best tips and practices we discussed that can help you train your field technicians more effectively.

1. The Value of Apprenticeship

Hands-on training through apprenticeship is incredibly effective in mold remediation. As Brian emphasized, "If I would encourage the industry to do more of one thing, it would be apprenticeship."

This method involves pairing new technicians with seasoned professionals, allowing them to learn the nuances of the job directly from those with experience.

Benefits of Apprenticeship

  • Practical Experience: New technicians gain hands-on experience in real-world scenarios, which helps them understand the intricacies of mold remediation.
  • Skill Development: Apprenticeships provide an opportunity for new hires to develop essential skills under the guidance of seasoned professionals.
  • Confidence Building: Working alongside experienced mentors boosts the confidence and competence of new technicians.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Apprenticeships facilitate the transfer of valuable knowledge and techniques that are often not covered in textbooks or certification courses.

Many successful mold remediation businesses attribute their success to strong apprenticeship programs. For example, Brian's business in Central Indiana pairs new hires with experienced team members for six months to a year. This method ensures that new technicians are not just learning procedures but also understanding the reasons behind them.

2. Certification and External Training

Getting certified is another key step for mold remediation technicians. Several options for certification provide the essential knowledge and skills needed for the job.

Certification Bodies

  • NORMI (National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors): Offers various certifications that cover different aspects of mold inspection and remediation.
  • IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification): Provides training and certification programs widely recognized in the industry based on their different standards, including the IICRC S520 for Professional Mold Remediation.

Combining Book Learning with Practical Training

Certification is important, but it’s just one part of the equation. Book learning and online courses provide foundational knowledge, but real-world training is where technicians truly learn the ropes. For instance, Seeing how to set up containment or use HEPA vacuums in real-life scenarios helps technicians understand the purpose behind each task. 

Learn more: How to Build a Resilient Restoration Business Based on IICRC and OSHA Guidelines

3. Internal Training Practices

Internal training programs are good for maintaining high standards and ensuring consistent quality across all projects. They help reinforce the skills and knowledge gained through certification and external training, adapting them to the specific needs and processes of your business.

Strategies for Effective In-House Training

  • Regular Training Sessions: Schedule ongoing training sessions to keep the team updated on the latest techniques, tools, and industry standards. This can include workshops, seminars, or on-the-job exercises.
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Develop and maintain clear SOPs that outline the correct processes and procedures for mold removal. Ensure all team members are familiar with these SOPs and follow them consistently.

Learn more: How to Build Effective SOPs for Any Restoration Job

4. Focus on the 'Why'

Understanding the purpose behind each task is essential in mold remediation. When technicians know why they are performing a task, they are more likely to do it correctly and thoroughly. For example, when using a HEPA vacuum, the goal isn't just to run the vacuum for a set amount of time. The purpose is to remove dust effectively. If dust remains in a corner after vacuuming, the job hasn't been done properly.

Encouraging technicians to always ask themselves why they are doing something helps them focus on the end goal rather than just going through the motions. This mindset leads to better results and a deeper understanding of the tasks at hand.

5. Utilizing Technology for Training and Operations

Integrating documentation technology like magicplan into your mold remediation projects can greatly enhance efficiency and accuracy. magicplan allows you to map out the interior of a structure quickly, providing a detailed and precise layout for your remediation plan.

Benefits of Modern Technology

  • Planning: magicplan enables you to create detailed maps of the affected areas, which helps in planning containment zones and work areas more effectively.
  • Documentation: Accurate documentation is critical in mold remediation. With magicplan, you can take notes, capture photos, and track readings directly within the app, ensuring all important information is recorded and easily accessible.
  • Communication: Technology streamlines the sharing of project details with your team and clients. Everyone can access the same information, improving coordination and transparency.

Example: Mapping and Integration with Xactimate

Using magicplan, you can efficiently map out interior structures. For example, you can color-code rooms based on contamination levels, making it easy to understand the layout and safety zones.

These sketches can then be integrated with Xactimate, a widely-used estimating software, to generate accurate estimates and streamline project workflow. This integration speeds up the estimating process, ensuring efficient and precise project management.


Training mold remediation technicians effectively involves a combination of certification, hands-on training, and the use of technology. By focusing on the 'why' behind each task, utilizing tools like magicplan for documentation, and adapting to the specific requirements of each project, you can ensure your team is well-prepared and knowledgeable.

One thing an expert like Brian encourages in the industry is the value of mentorship and continuous learning. Having experienced professionals available for guidance makes a significant difference. Building a network of mentors and knowledgeable contacts allows technicians to reach out when they encounter challenges or unfamiliar situations.









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