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Get Paid Faster: Why Good Documentation is Key in Restoration Projects

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Lane, the CEO of Clean Claims, to dive into the backstory and evolution of a tool that’s making waves in the restoration industry. The conversation shed light on the essential role that process, consistency, and documentation play in the field. It also highlighted how innovations like magicplan and Clean Claims are transforming the way restoration professionals operate. Below are the key takeaways that restorers might find particularly valuable.

Why Consistency Matters in Restoration

In any restoration job, having a clear process is key. Without a step-by-step way of doing things, you end up with a lot of chaos, especially if you’re trying to grow your business. The idea here is pretty simple: just like a fast-food joint makes sure every burger comes out the same, your restoration work should be consistent no matter who’s doing the job.

This isn’t about overcomplicating things. It’s about making sure everyone on your team knows what to do and how to do it, whether it’s taking the right measurements, capturing photos, or documenting the job. When everyone follows the same playbook, you’re less likely to run into issues and more likely to get the job done right the first time.


Learn more: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Every Restoration Company Needs


Documentation: The Cornerstone of Getting Paid

One of the biggest headaches in restoration is dealing with insurance companies. The truth is, you don’t get paid for the work you did—you get paid for what you can prove you did. That’s where documentation comes in. If your paperwork isn’t in order, you’re just asking for payment delays and disputes.


One of the standout moments in Lane’s journey was when he received a thick envelope from Allstate, containing 17 checks with no disputes—just payments in full. This success wasn’t by chance. Lane’s company had developed a reputation for delivering perfect documentation, whether they were working in Utah, Colorado, or Nevada. This consistent documentation across states was the foundation of their success and led to fewer payment disputes with insurance companies.

But when your documentation is solid, the process of getting paid is a whole lot smoother. Having clear, consistent records means fewer arguments with insurers and faster payments. Whether you’re working in one state or across several, the key is to make sure you’re always documenting everything the same way, every time.

Lane’s story resonated with me, as it mirrors a key principle in the restoration industry: “You don’t get paid for what you did, you get paid for what you documented.” This principle is universal, transcending borders and industries. Whether you’re in Germany or the U.S., accurate and consistent documentation is essential for success in restoration.


Learning from Franchising: Applying Structure to Restoration

It may sound funny, but the restoration industry can learn a lot from fast food. Lane's experience with acquiring a Jimmy John's franchise taught him valuable lessons about process and structure that he applied to his restoration business. In the sandwich shop, even the smallest detail, such as the exact amount of mayonnaise to be used, was controlled by strict processes. This level of detail ensured consistency in every sandwich made, regardless of who made it.


This doesn’t mean you’re turning your business into a fast-food joint, but it does mean creating a system where things get done the right way every time. By setting up processes that everyone follows, you avoid the back-and-forth and get more consistent results. This approach helps you manage your team better and grow your business without losing control.


Learn more: 12 Helpful Tools for Finding and Documenting Water Damage


The Cost of Inefficiency

Let’s be honest: running a restoration business can get expensive, especially when things don’t go as planned. Every time a tech has to go back to a job site because something was missed, it’s money out of your pocket. We’re talking hundreds of dollars for every extra trip, not to mention the frustration that comes with it.


Lane brought up this critical point because of the financial impact of the inefficiency he used to have. He calculated that every time a technician had to return to a job site due to missing data or incomplete documentation, it cost his company $325. This wasn’t just a financial drain; it was also a mental and logistical burden.

So the solution is simple: make sure the job gets documented right the first time. By setting up a system that makes it easy for your team to gather all the info they need, you cut down on those costly mistakes. This not only saves money but also makes the whole operation run a lot smoother.


How the Right Tools Make a Difference

Our conversation made it clear that both magicplan and Clean Claims are driven by the same fundamental goal: bringing order and efficiency to the restoration industry. Whether it’s by ensuring that every room is properly documented before work begins, or by guaranteeing that all necessary data is collected in the field,  the focus is on reducing waste and improving outcomes.

At the end of the day, it’s all about getting your work done efficiently and getting paid without the headaches. By sticking to proven processes, documenting everything clearly, and using the right tools, you can take a lot of the stress out of running your restoration business.




How to Build Effective SOPs for Any Water Damage Restoration Job


Get Paid in a Flash: How Restoration Contractors Can Improve Cash Flow