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Claims Adjuster
When devastating and widespread disaster strikes, catastrophic (CAT) claims adjusters play a crucial role in helping individuals and businesses recover their losses. The Property Claim Services (PCS) Index serves as a valuable and important tool for CAT adjusters who are assigned to manage catastrophic claims.
If you want to work as a CAT claims adjuster, you’ll need to understand how to use the PCS Index. So, let’s dive into the details…
Property Claim Services (PCS) is a unit of the Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO). Essentially a data aggregator, it investigates, analyzes and reports on catastrophic events.
The PCS mission statement is stated as follows: “Property Claim Services is committed to serving our customers and supporting the global insurance industry through catastrophe identification and the provision of reliable, accurate, objective, and timely catastrophe loss estimates.”
In general, a catastrophe is considered to be an infrequent event that causes severe loss, injury or property damage to a large population. While the term is most often associated with natural events, it also is used when there is concentrated or widespread damage from man-made disasters (e.g., civil disorders, explosions, and human-caused fires).
The types of natural events that can be considered catastrophes include:
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However, PCS defines the word “catastrophe” in terms of a dollar amount: It is an event that causes $25 million or more in insured property losses and affects a significant number of policyholders and insurers.
Even so, it’s worth noting that many individual insurers establish their own company thresholds for defining a catastrophic loss. An insurance company may choose to utilize internal criteria to determine whether an event is a catastrophe, as it relates to its specific clientele, even if the event has not been labeled as a catastrophe for the industry as a whole.
It uses a proprietary index – or coding system – that applies to loss events in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
PCS monitors industry loss reports and assigns a catastrophe serial number (code) to an event if it meets PCS rules (i.e., its own catastrophe criteria). The serial number usually is released within 24 to 48 hours after the event occurs, and it allows insurers and reinsurers to track losses related to that single, discrete event.
PCS catastrophe serial numbers are an industry standard available to all PCS service subscribers, including any adjuster who has a current subscription.
PCS’s long-standing reputation for accurately defining and tracking catastrophes helps to reduce disputes between primary insurers and reinsurers, saving the industry millions of dollars in staff and legal expenses each year.
It’s just a matter of inserting the appropriate code in a reporting document. This is easy to do if you create reports with a floor plan app like magicplan. This type of app is an ideal tool for documenting disaster damages quickly, and then developing and sharing structured reports with sketches, photos, notes, and, of course, appropriate PCS codes.
Yes. If adjusters subscribe to ISOnet PCS – which is a core service provided by PCS – they can stay on top of important data and keep track of weather changes and catastrophes that are underway.
ISOnet PCS provides:
There is no set answer to this question. Catastrophe claims vary in the amount of time they take to investigate, document and estimate, based on a variety of circumstances. But use of software tools can definitely help streamline the overall process!
All CAT adjusters must have a solid understanding of the PCS Index, so that they can code claims appropriately after disasters strike. This helps ensure that catastrophe claim documentation is correct and thorough, to help ensure efficient claim processing. So, if you are planning to become a CAT adjuster, take time to get more familiar with this important coding system.
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Benjamin Brown
Sales Consulting Manager