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Inside magicplan

Become an Expert in magicplan by Mastering our Engaging E-Courses!

Mastering magicplan through e-courses sign

Whether you have a paid subscription or are using magicplan as a free user, our E-courses are available to everyone. We have specialized certification courses where you can get the most out of your magicplan subscription, micro-learnings here you can learn magicplan one feature at a time, and short video tutorials for a quick visual guide to any issue you face!

Why earn a magicplan Certification?

A certification is a great way to demonstrate your proficiency in creating instant floor plans to enhance your work for your employer, colleagues, and other industry professionals. Our certification courses deepen your knowledge of magicplan’s features, resulting in a streamlined workflow and increased productivity. 

ecourse frame hang on blue wall being hold by young girl with black nails

Benefits of a magicplan Certification:

Level up your magicplan skills

  • Master magicplan step by step. Get familiar with the app's fundamental structure to ensure lasting success. Learn all of this in our Introduction Course.
  • Discover how to generate instant floor plans swiftly and precisely, minimizing the need for revisions and ensuring accurate dimensions. Our Sketch Course covers this and more. 
  • Become proficient in reporting to ensure no information is missed during a project’s lifecycle. Learn features like custom forms, how to create custom objects, and 3D tours in our Report Course.

Simplified collaboration

Creating a floor plan in magicplan involves many steps, but ensuring your ideas are visible and communicated during project development is crucial. Our Collaboration Certification will help you master working with team members in magicplan. No more lost ideas, just a streamlined workflow!

Read more: How to Enhance Team Collaboration with magicplan. 

Export projects with ease

Optimize your client interactions by creating on-site reports showing the work scope. Through our Export and Share Certification, you will gain proficiency in exporting PDFs, 3D exports, and project statistics. Our magicplan certification courses will help enhance your project presentation skills!


As our app continues to evolve, so do our Certification Courses. Earning a magicplan Certification ensures you remain up-to-date with our platform's latest features and developments!

If there is a specific feature you would like to learn more about, let us know by filling out our course suggestion box located at the bottom of our E-course page!